Friday, September 02, 2005

World’s Simplest Lumber Kiln

Too many kiln plans are designed by engineers long on theory and short on experience. I think I could kiln dry lumber using the simplest kiln ever designed. Materials required are:


1. one roll of polyethylene plastic

2. one window fan

3. one roll of duct tape

4. one wet bulb/dry bulb hygrometer(plans for making one are in the booklet described below)

<>For those unfamiliar with drying lumber, Garreson Publishing offers a booklet: Drying Lumber without a Kiln. This covers standard air drying, plus ways to bring the lumber down to kiln dry level without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars.

With the simplest kiln, sticker the lumber and allow it to air dry until it reaches 20-30% moisture content or less. You have to know how to measure the moisture content, and you have to know how severe conditions the particular species of lumber can tolerate. Some woods, such as pine or poplar can dry quickly without drying defects. Others, like oak, hickory, or beech must air dry more first.

After air drying, the kiln is built around the air dried pile. I’d guess it would take about 30 minutes to assemble. Keep track of the moisture content until it reaches an acceptable level. Like other solar kilns, the slower drying rate minimizes drying stress.

Will this work? I think so, at least in sunny areas. I won’t have time to try it until I retire. If anyone has a small stack of lumber and wants to experiment, I suggest getting the booklet which covers how to pile lumber for a minumum of drying defects and warping. I’ll provide the plans for the kiln plus free consulting and we can see how it works.


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